Heal Your Body

using the medicine food



Digestive Issues



Why Dr. Aryavrat

Dr. Veerendra Aryavrat (Ph.D., N.D., Y.I.C)  is a Healthy Life Consultant (Naturopathy)  who believes that a nutritious diet is a medicine to every problem of the human body. With 20+ years of experience, he helps the health seekers in detoxification of the body to release harmful toxins, and heal the body internally. A Nutritious diet can boost mood, build resilience and strengthen your mental health, all the while improving your physical status. He believes in living a healthy and happy life without medicines.

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Not just the elders but also young children and adults have fought with injurious diseases with the ease and comfort of following a clean and nutritious diet with little or no allopathic medicines by prescribing to Dr. Aryavrat. Here are a few of his health seekers sharing their experiences.

Mr. Jai Chhokar’s Testimonial

Mr. Rajesh Wadhwa’s Testimonial

Ms. Saloni Bhatia’s Testimonial

Mr. Shiv Dutt Sharma’s Testimonial 

Ms. Rajni Hans’s Testimonial 

Mr. Dushyant’s Testimonial 

Mr. Yashpal Arya’s Testimonial 

Ms. Tripti Kansal’s Testimonial

Mr. Tanvir Singh’s Testimonial 


I was having fissures for the last 4 months I’d consulted many doctors all have advised surgery, then I consulted Dr. Aryavrat and he has suggested me a natural diet plan and from the 4th day itself, I was getting relieved.  Thank you to Dr. Virendar Aryavrat for the help.

– Geeta 

I tried several approaches to solve my liver-related problems but nothing worked until I started adopting naturopathy and a personalized Natural Diet by Dr.Aryavrat that helped me to maintain normal LFT levels.

Mr. Praveen Gharonda

I’ve cured my sinus and allergic health issues in under 3 months with a natural diet and lifestyle changes recommended by Dr. Aryavrat, he educated me on the importance of diet and lifestyle to lead a healthy life.

Mrs. Tripti Kansal

I was able to cure skin rashes and allergies in a short time when I started using the naturopathy process by shifting to a natural diet and lifestyle modifications recommended by Dr.Aryavrat

Shreya Singh

I was able to solve my health issues only when I believed in Naturopathy and Dr.Aryavrat, I was able to cure my abdominal pain, BP and cholesterol by adapting to a healthy and natural food diet.

Mr. Rajesh Wadhwa

मैं कुलदीप सिंह गांव उझाना जींद से एक अध्यापक हूँ।मुझे 10 वर्षों से गेहूं से एलर्जी व नजला ज़ुकाम रहता था।कुछ भी खाता शरीर को नहीं लगता था।एक दिन मेरे मित्र मुनीश ने आचार्य वीरेंद्र जी के बारे में बताया।हम उनके पास पहुंचे और उन्होंने मेरी बीमारी की शुरुआत से जांच की और मुझे उसका कारण और निवारण बताया।कोई दवाई नहीं सिर्फ खान पान में बदलाव और हमारी रसोई में आयुर्वेदिक चीज़ें खाने का चार्ट बनाया।मैने ईमानदारी से उस चार्ट को फोलो किया और परिणामस्वरूप मेरा स्वास्थ्य तेजी से सुधार में आने लगा।मेरा वजन 62 kg से कभी बढ़ा नहीं था जबकि मेरी ऊंचाई 5 फ़ीट 11 इंच है लेकिन आज मेरा वजन 72 kg है।मैं पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ जीवन जी रहा हूँ।इसका श्रेय मैं आचार्य वीरेंद्र जी को देता हूँ।उनके प्रति अहोभाव व्यक्त करता हूँ।

Mr. Kuldeep Singh

I was suffering from joint pains and mostly knee and leg pain when upon consulting with Dr.Aryavrat he recommended specialized diet to cure joint pains and now I’m able to walk pain free.

Mr. Tanvir Singh

Dr.Aryavrat taught me the importance of living a healthy and medicine-free life after curing my jaundice disease with natural food and diet and adopting to a positive mindset and accepting naturopathy.

Mr. Dushyant

I was suffering from cervical nerves and was having muscle weakness and numbness when I consulted Dr.Aryavrat and he explained the root cause of the problem and changed my daily diet and lifestyle changes and slowly I began to see the improvement in my body and more active now.

Mr. Yashpal Arya

I’ve controlled my asthma and body weight with a natural diet and exercises recommended by  Dr. Aryavrat and I’m living medicine-free life now.

Mr. Jai Chhokar

मेरा नाम  गीतांजलि है।मैं नई दिल्ली से हूँ और एक ज्वेलरी शोरूम में काम करती हूँ। कई वर्षों  से नौकरी कर रही हूँ। अपने नौकरी से  मैंने पैसा बहुत  कमाया लेकिन अपनी सेहत खो दी। मुझे बहुत सारी स्वास्थ्य समस्याएँ थीं। मैंने 2018 में प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा शुरू की। उस समय मैं मधुमेह से पीड़ित थी,रक्तचाप ,भोजन नली की समस्या, अम्लता बवासीर, मोटापा आदि। आदरणीय डॉ. आर्यव्रत जी से मिलने के बाद मुझे नया जीवन दान मिला।

डॉ.  साहब के परामर्श से मेरी  ये सब बीमारियाँ  ठीक हो गई।  मैंने 8 से 9 किलो वजन भी कम कर लिया था और मैं बहुत खुश थी। मुझे लगा कि जैसे मैंने पूरी दुनिया को जीत लिया हो। इसके बाद कुछ पारिवारिक समस्याओं के चलते  मैंने अपनी डाइट बंद कर दी।

2021 आते ही मैं फिर से बीमार रहने लगी।  इस बार मैं किडनी की समस्या से ग्रसित थी। मेरा क्रिएटिनिन 1.5 था, मैंने अपनी रिपोर्ट डॉक्टर साहब को भेज दी। उन्होंने  फिर से मेरा इलाज शुरू  किया और परिणाम स्वरूप मेरा क्रिएटिनिन .75  हो गया।  मुझे लगता है कि यह मेरे जीवन की सबसे अच्छी उपलब्धि थी। मेरे काम व व्यस्त दिनचर्या के कारण मेरे पास हमेशा से समय की कमी रहती है। फिर भी मैंने डॉक्टर साहब द्वारा बताए गए उपचार को यथासंभव निभाने का प्रयास किया और मैंने निश्चय किया कि मैं अपने क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर मैं सुधार ला सकती हूँ। मुझे लगता है कि यदि मैं डॉक्टर साहब द्वारा बताई गई डाइट व जीवन शैली में बदलाव से अपने स्वास्थ्य में सुधार ला सकती हूँ तो यह मेरी नैतिक जिम्मेदारी बनती है कि मैं अपने अनुभव अन्य लोगों से साझा करूँ जो आजकल के व्यस्ततम जीवन और व्यस्ततम जीवन शैली के कारण रोगों से ग्रसित हो रहे हैं ताकि वे मेरे अनुभव से लाभ उठा सकें। मेरे द्वारा साझा किए गए ये सारे अनुभव मेरे अपने हैं और वास्तविक हैं।  कोई भी मेरी रिपोर्ट देख सकता है। अगर हम प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा का पालन करते हैं तो  हम निश्चित ही डायलिसिस को टाल सकते हैं।  बस हमें अपने थोड़ा धैर्य थोड़ा विश्वास और अपने लिए अपना समय चाहिए।

अंत में मैं केवल इतना कहना चाहूँगी अगर हमारा शरीर ही अस्वस्थ है तो लाखों रुपए कमाना भी बेकार है। हमारा अच्छा स्वास्थ्य और सबल शरीर हमारे जीवन की सबसे बड़ी बचत है।

डॉक्टर वीरेंद्र आर्यव्रत को मेरा कोटिशः धन्यवाद भगवान का आशीर्वाद उन पर व उनके परिवार पर बना रहे। मैं अपनी तस्वीरें पहले और बाद की तस्वीर दिखा रही हूँ।

- गीतांजलि

My name is Ritu (40 years) and I live in the USA.  I am writing this feedback/thanking note for Dr. Virendra as he made so much positive change in my life!! ”Thank you” is not enough for this wonderful person.

 In 2018, I was a very active person, always walking around or busy with yoga or with my gym membership! I added kickboxing in September 2018. And I literally loved it. My doctor calls me “ Type A” personality. So it’s very difficult for me to not get too excited about anything and everything 🙂

Everything was going great. And in June 2019 I started feeling pain in my lower legs. I kept  on doing what I was doing and that pain could not stop me. But in August 2019, it became unbearable. It was very difficult for me to forget about the pain even for a second. 

I went to the doctor and he tried whatever he could. He asked for x-rays, many blood tests, and gave me high pain killer medicines but nothing helped. He thought it was arthritis.  I was in acute pain. No medication worked.

Then he recommended me to a rheumatologist. He was shocked to see a person like me with so much pain. Again he did a lot of blood tests ( it included bone marrow cancer test). Everything came back normal but the pain did not go away. 

He recommended me to a neurologist. He did my muscle and nerve test  ( needle test and shock test) and again everything was perfect.  

They all told me that I have no issues and they were not able to find out the reason. They told me to have painkillers whenever required. 

I was on a break from my yoga/gym and even walking for 3-4 months. Because I was not able to even walk due to the pain.

When I joined yoga for some easy exercise ( as my reports said everything normal), the pain was still there. Seeing me in so much pain, my yoga partner asked me to call Dr. Virendra. She told me he might be able to help. I had no experience of naturopathy but I thought let’s give it a try as she insisted me to. I called Dr. Virendra and that was the best decision of my life. Not contacting him could have cost me the life long pain.

He listened to everything over the phone, even minutest details about my lifestyle, and I also did not hide anything. He is one of the most patient people I have ever met in my life. Somehow I trusted him from day one. His voice was very calming and very promising. He kept on saying everything will be fine. 

He changed my whole lifestyle. He made me do things that I never even imagined. I never fasted in my whole life and he made me fasted for 76 hours ( only water). And no idea how and why but I did it. He was giving me so much positivity that I was able to do everything. He did not tell me to take any medicines. No special or expensive diets. He made my diet plan based on whatever I had. Many things are not available in the USA so he gave me many options for the substitute. 

I followed whatever he asked me to do for 40 days. I lost weight ( around 8 lbs) but I never felt weak. My pain got better, I felt better. He never forced anything and he always understood the cravings or whatever difficulties I was facing. He always motivated and gave me a lot of positive energy. He is not only a doctor but a mentor who helps you with everything. My body felt good, my heart felt good, my brain felt good and my soul felt good. I was thinking I had to live with this pain as there is no option but I was so wrong. Dr. Virendra took me out of that condition in a few days without any medicines. 

 Now I am like before. Active!! Looks like that phase was never there. Whatever he taught me in those 40 days, I have made it my lifestyle now. My food is healthier, more natural, more conventional, and best for my body. 

My husband and kids are also a part of this journey. They also get benefitted with Dr. Virendra’s guidance. He taught us about “masala kadha”. it has replaced tea in our life. My husband, I drink that wonderful drink instead of tea every morning and every night for the last 3-4 months. We have replaced wheat flour with Jawar. Fruits and fruit smoothie has become our daily breakfast. We try to eat more vegetables and fruits and fewer grains. I have understood the power of fasting so I am practicing 16:8 rule. Life is all about good health now

 I will remain thankful to Dr. Virendra for my whole life, for introducing me to this beautiful lifestyle and helping me at the time when all big doctors thought this pain cant be cured. He made a change in my life and this will remain with me forever!! Thank you for helping me and my family when I really needed it. 

 May God bless this kind soul always so he can make much a difference in all the lives he comes across. Thank you for doing so much for a stranger who just called you from other side of the world. I hope you are aware that you don’t treat diseases but you treat souls!! You make this world a better place to live with all your kindness! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

Lots of Regards!

- Ritu Shanker

An Athlete, Dancer, photographer, Traveler. I was all of these things, but still, on my way to growing up, I kept leaving some of these pieces of myself behind. For the past 3 to 4 years I was feeling miserable. It uses to take me 30 mins to just get up from my bed and take a few steps. I kept going to all the big doctors in the city and they could never find anything in my report ever, but still use to put me on some treatment or the other. I followed all the diets the dieticians put me on. And every single time I believed in all of them and followed everything they ever said, just in the hope to get better. But I never felt OK. I never lost a gram of my 30 kg excess weight. I started to feel so uncomfortable in my own body, felt lethargic all the time.
I hit my lowest during the first lockdown last year. I felt as my whole body was collapsing and I am not able to save it. I had varicose veins, my digestive system wasn’t working, I didn’t sleep for 10 days straight, I had fissures and skin allergies, ulcers, no energy, emotionally disturbed. I was crying day in and day out, I had so much anxiety, which I just couldn’t control. I felt I can never be ok, and thought now this is the life I have to live. Because I had tried every option I could find, but nothing worked. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to work on myself, but I had no clue, no idea. I had tried everything I could find, but nothing was working. I was seeing my body giving up.
But as they say, you find the best of things when you least expect it. One of my cousins follows a very simple and aware lifestyle and one day she called me and said I want to help you. I jumped right into it because all I really wanted was someone to help. We together tried a few natural things, but none of us were experienced so I thought maybe I shouldn’t experiment anymore. But by then the concept of healing your body with natural things had finally sunk in me. Then my sister mentioned I should start naturopathy treatment with DR. Aryavrat as she had done it in the past and it had helped her a lot. Desperate to get better, and at least start feeling normal again, I called him and asked if I could be treated. That was it, that was the day that changed me, my life, and my being.
As some talk about human revolution. This is my human revolution in every true way. I can never thank my Mentor, life coach, my Guru Dr. Aryavrat enough. I feel overwhelmed and truly blessed to have found him. I did have a tough healing process because maybe I had damaged my body to an unrecoverable level. But sometimes when I am very low he says “Gudiya bhaar nahi lena hai man par, sab thikh hojayega”. And I would just believe in him so much that “sab thikh ho hi gaya”. I lost all my excess weight. I don’t have any pain. I feel as active as I was in my teenage. No more acidity, heartburn, anxiety, or stress. I feel happy, settled, calm, and at peace with my being.
I don’t’ want to share what I did in the process, but all I want to say is that it changed me as a person. It gave me a whole new perspective, which I will follow throughout my life. In modern times like these where we have lost our patience, our core, belief in our own self and in the nature around us. There are people like Dr. Aryavrat who selflessly, with all his best efforts just want to help you heal. Now I am trying to tell every person who is struggling like how I did that they can get better too. All it will take is your belief in the process.
Today I feel alive again. I feel normal again. And it feels even better because I know it wasn’t a pill that I popped in my mouth that helped me. It was nature and me. And for my life to come I only wish to be aligned with my soul, body, and nature. And every day forever I will thank my mentor with all my gratitude. Thank you so much for healing me.


ॐ शांति

मेरा नाम B.K. Rekha है। बहुत टाइम से मुझे पेट में दर्द रहता था और मैं कुछ खाती भी नहीं थी। खाना तो खाया ही नहीं जाता था। खाना खाते ही दर्द होता था। मैंने बहुत दवाइयाँ लीं लेकिन ठीक नहीं हुआ। फिर मैं DR Virender Aryavrat जी के सम्पर्क में आई फिर मैंने अपना इलाज प्राकृतिक तरीके से शुरू किया। अब मैं बिल्कुल ठीक हूँ,स्वस्थ हूँ, खाना भी खाती हूँ, पेट में दर्द भी नहीं होता है। मैं यही कहना चाहती हूँ कि हमारी प्रकृति ने हमें सब कुछ दिया है। हमारी प्रकृति के पास हमारी हर बीमारी का इलाज है तो हम अपने शरीर को बिना दवाई खाए ठीक कर सकते हैं।

ॐ शांति

- B.K. Rekha Gharaunda, Karnal, Haryana

डॉ. वीरेंद्र आर्यव्रत जी आपको सादर प्रणाम जी।

 मैं लीलावती गर्ग पंचकूला से हूँ, हाउस नंबर-772, सेक्टर 9। मैं अपनी बीमारी से बहुत परेशान थी। नाक से बहुत खून आता था, इससे मैं बहुत परेशान थी। मैंने बहुत डॉक्टरों को दिखाया पर कहीं से आराम नहीं आया। मुझे आपके बारे में मेरी बेटी से पता चला। उसने कहा कि आप डॉक्टर साहब से मिलें वे आपकी समस्या हल कर देंगे। मैंने डॉक्टर साहब से फोन पर ही बात की। डॉक्टर साहब ने फोन पर ही बात करके मेरा खाना- पीना सेट कर दिया और मेरी बीमारी का इलाज कर दिया। अभी तक हम डॉक्टर साहब से आमने- सामने भी नहीं मिले और डॉक्टर साहब ने मेरी इतनी बड़ी बीमारी का इलाज फोन पर ही कर दिया। डॉक्टर साहब केवल प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा को ही अपनाते हैं और डॉक्टर साहब ने प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा द्वारा ही बड़े- बड़े रोगों का उपचार किया है। मैं डॉक्टर साहब के इलाज द्वारा बहुत खुश हूँ। आपको बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद और मेरा बहुत आशीर्वाद। आप दिन-दुगनी रात-चौगुनी उन्नति करें। आप अपनी कृपा हम जैसे रोगियों पर बनाए रखें। भगवान आपकी सेहत खूब अच्छी रखें। मेरी तरफ से आपको बहुत आशीर्वाद। हमारे लायक कोई सेवा हो तो बताएँ जी।।


- लीलावती गर्ग

In a Biotech Event Delhi 2018, I came to know about DR. ARYAVRAT, and also got his visiting card from there. After the event, I called him and told him everything about my PIMPLE and ACNE PROBLEMS.He suggested me some home remedies and a proper diet plan as medication. I was perplexed by seeing the results on my face. My pimples started to disappear in only 15 days because of his advice and diet chart. Not only are my pimples cleared, but the proper diet chart keeps me happy and energetic the whole day. I am very
happy with the positive effects I am getting from Dr.Aryavrat’s treatment. He used to say “Food Is Medicine”Now I also believe in the same. I am grateful to Dr.Aryavart for his precious and very helpful advice.


About a month back, I had so much PAIN IN MY RIGHT LEG. This pain was so unbearable that I wasn’t able to walk or stand on my own. I used to cry because of
my pain. Seeing my situation, my sister told me about Dr. Veerendra Aryavrat (A Healthy Life Consultant). I talked to him and after knowing my problem, Dr.
Aryavrat suggested me some treatments and prepared a diet plan for me. I followed his advice sincerely. I started seeing better
results in my pain within a week.
Furthermore, I was happy with my improvements.Within 4 weeks I lost 5-6 kgs of weight. And now it’s been 9 months, taking Dr. Aryavrat’s natural treatment. Now I can walk on my own and also able to do some household works also. All thanks to Dr. Verendra Aryavrat, without him, I couldn’t think of getting better from my situation.
Thank you very much.


My Success Story!

My previous month’s weight 70kg And current weight after one month 67kg. Age 21 years. 

Achievements –
(1) Cured hormonal imbalance  just in one month without medicines.

(2) Lost 3 kg of weights and 1.5 inches.

(3) Cured dust allergy and sneezing problem completely.

(4) Increased enthusiasm

(5) Better sleeping

(6) Increased concentration.

(7) Positive attitude and catching power increased.

My heartily and sincerest thank to Dr Virendra Aryavrat for this.



मैं रिचा भाटिया दिल्ली में रहती हूँ। मुझे 2007 से सर्वाइकल था और 2015 में स्लिप डिस्क हो गई थी। L-4,L-5 में गैप आ गया था। Treatment किए और ठीक हो गई। अभी लॉकडाउन में बिना maid के होने की वजह से और काम की वजह से मेरे सर्वाइकल और back pain काफी बढ़ गया । Chest में 3 दिन तक cramp पड़ा रहा और ज़रा-सा हिलने पर भी काफी pain होता था। तीन दिन से इतना pain था कि रोना निकलता था और हिलना, उठना, बैठना सब बंद हो गया था। साथ ही मेरे right hand की wrist में इतनी pain आ गई कि हिलना मुश्किल और 1 month मैंने सपोर्ट बैंड बाँधे रखा। इस बीच मुझे डॉक्टर वीरेंद्र आर्यव्रत ने बहुत मदद की। उन्होंने मुझे डाइट और ट्रीटमेंट जैसे-जैसे बताया मैंने उसे वैसे वैसे follow किया और मेरा cramp तीन दिन में ठीक हो गया और 20 दिन में wrist pain पेन ठीक हो गया। इसके साथ-साथ मैंने weight loose भी किया और inch lose भी काफ़ी अच्छा हुआ।

All thanks to Dr. Aryavrat. God bless him,

- रिचा भाटिया

  मेरी सफलता की कहानी मेरी जुबानी

श्रेया सिंह आयु 17 वर्ष

पटेल नगर फतेहपुर U.P.

जब मैं 7 साल की थी तब मैं काफी बीमार हो गई जिस कारण मैंने काफी Medicine ली थी जिसके काफी दुष्परिणाम हुये। मेरे पूरे शरीर मे बड़े-बड़े चकते पड़ना शुरू हो गये तो । जिससे मैं काफी परेशान रहती थी बहुत खुजली होती थी और खुजली के बाद जलन भी । , मैने कई जगह  दिखाया कई Doctors को दिखाया और अस्पताल (hospital) भी गई  और उनके कहने पर दवाई भी ली, लेकिन कोई परिणाम नहीं मिला | फिर मैंने एक दिन   google में Search किया जिसमें मुझे डॉ  वीरेन्द्र के कई उपचार घरेलू Tips पसन्द आये जो  बिना दवा खाये  मात्र परहेज से ही राहत पहुंचाने वाले थे

और उनका Mobile Number भी मुझे  Google द्वारा मिला जिससे मैंने उनसे बात की और अपनी समस्या बताई जिसका उन्होंने बहुत ही सरल तरीके का उपचार बताया जिसका मैंने अनुसरण किया और आज मैं बिल्कुल ठीक हूं।  कोई चकत्ते नही पड़ते कोई खुजली , कोई जलन नहीं,

मैं डॉ. वीरेन्द्र आर्यव्रत जी को बहुत धन्यवाद देना चाहूंगी। जिनके कारण आज मैं  बिल्कुल ठीक हूं।

- श्रेया सिंह

Success story

I did a naturopathy program with Veerendra ji for a month that really helped me.
I was having problem with digestion, bloating and pain in the abdomen.
And at times it was a very uneasy state for me.I did not know what exactly to eat and what to avoid that will handle this condition.
As I started with Veerendra Ji’s naturopathy treatment,I started feeling that my body is getting healed and repaired from within.
My stomach started feeling very light and I found the system very accurate and precise regarding my problem.I also regained energy to do work and willingness to go towards a healthy lifestyle.
I look forward to take his help further in my life.
As I believe in natural healing and have immense trust on Veerendra Ji’s knowledge.
Thank you so much!!

Poulami Bajaj

I am Saroj Arya residing at Rohini in Delhi.
last winter I had severe cough I could not even sleep at night due to cough. I consulted many doctors tried home made remedies and did antibiotics course also but strange to tell that I didn’t get any relief. Then I came to know about Dr. Virender Aryavart and about his naturopathy treatment. I didn’t have much faith in this type of treatment but I was tired and fed up of elopathic and other treatments. So I thought to give a chance to naturopathy.
I didn’t have any choice also so i went for this treatment. I telephonically consulted Dr. Aryavart and he gave me valuable advices telling me what to eat and what not to eat.
He also suggested me chest wrap treatment . I am glad to tell you that I got cured very fast and without taking all that stuff of medicines. I also got relief in my skin problems. Today I agree that simply changing our eating habits and proper guidance we can fight with any disease.
Thanks to Dr. Virender Aryavart once again for his valuable advice and treatment.

- Saroj Arya

 Video Gallery


Eating The Right Food Can Heal Almost Any Health Problems

Natural Remedies to cure diabetes

Natural Remedies for hypertension

Natural Remedies To Cure Migraine

Natural Remedies To Cure Colitis

Natural Remedies To Cure PCOD/PCOS

Natural Remedies To Cure Acidity

Natural Remedies To Joint Pain

Natural Remedies To Cure Melasma

Natural Remedies To Cure Constipation

Natural Remedies To Cure Sinusitis Allergy

Natural Remidies to Cure Gastritis Bloating

Natural Remedies for Pimples/ Acne

Natural Remedies To Cure Insomania

Natural Remedies To Cure Knee Pain

Natural Remedies for lower Back Ache/slip Disc

Natural Remedies for Cervical Spondylitis

Natural Remedies to cure joint pain


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Naturopathy?

It is an alternative health care treatment that uses natural therapy to heal your body and mind. Naturopathy promotes natural remedies to cure your health problems by itself i.e. self-repairing and to avoid modern medicine usage.

What is Naturopathy Diet?

Naturopathy diet aims at removing toxins from your body by including healthy natural food and diet by building healthy habits and avoiding unhealthy food. In Naturopathy, food is considered as medicine.

What Does a Naturopathy Treatment Involve?

Naturopathy Treatment involves diet, Nutrition, Herbal dietary supplements, detoxification, hydrotherapy, exercise, lifestyle, and other changes depending on your health condition to improve your overall health.

What Should I Expect in My First Appointment?

You can expect lots of questions ranging from diet to sleep patterns and lifestyle habits regarding your health condition and past medical history if any, and then accordingly the doctor will recommend a natural therapy, home treatment, and healthy diet plans along with relaxation techniques & mind exercises if required in your case.

Can a Naturopathic Doctor Help me Lose Weight?

Yes, Naturopathy is the only safe way to lose weight. a Naturopathic doctor will find an underlying cause for your weight problem and will recommend a diet plan, herbal medicines, exercises, and lifestyle changes to help you lose weight.

Can Naturopathy Cure PCOS?

Yes, a Naturopathic doctor will understand the root cause of your problem and recommends dietary changes, relaxation techniques, exercises to maintain a healthy weight, and changes in day-to-day lifestyle choices.

Can Naturopathy Cure Diabetes?

Yes, Naturopathy helps you cure your diabetes to a normal level and it has no side effects as your treatment involves natural food remedies that help cure diabetes.